SpireStocks.com is NOT registered as an investment firm, nor does it sell securities
or give personalized advice.
SpireStocks is possible because of the implementation of a process resulting in
a systematic and objective means to choose equities, with no human in the loop,
once the model is implemented, which is also why SpireStocks is unprecedented in
investment history, because it only requires a single input from the investor, i.e.
how much they want to invest in equities.
From that moment on the model determines when to buy, sell and re-allocate the portfolio;
although, ultimately every investor is responsible for determining when to act on
the suggested transaction and to reflect that action through the edit functionality
of SpireStocks.com.
In reality, SpireStocks.com provides a virtual portfolio for the investor who will
then make the decision to act independently on the suggested transactions via an
registered on-line brokerage account, which will actually contain the actual monies.
The SpireStock demonstrated performance can be
reviewed here
SpireStocks.com tries very hard to ensure that the SpireStock's suggested do not
directly or indirectly contribute to activities, that are contrary to the sanctity
of life. However, due to the dynamics of corporate activities, SpireStock's.com
can not guarantee, that all of the companies meet the morally responsible investing
criteria intended for SpireStocks.com in real-time.
The SpireStock morally responsible investment screening process will most likely
lag actuality, due to the nature and oversight of organizational activity. Some
SpireStock Companies may have discontinued giving to activities, that are contrary
to the sanctity of life and some Stock's may have just initiated activities.
If you have any reason/evidence that suggested SpireStock equities engage in activities
contrary to the sanctity of life, please send an email to
feedback@spirestocks.com and we will review the stock under question via